Litters 'C'


December is known for being always in a rush, preoccupation and waiting for Christmas. For us it is a special month, because after two years of break we are having puppies! Mom is VERSACE DIAMOND TAI BRIZO. She is two years old and these are her first puppies. She has a DNR profile and all health exams: hips, elbows joints are healthy (HD/A, ED-0), OCD negative, genetic exam DM exon1-N/N, exon2- DM/DM, eyes are healthy. More pictures of Versace can be found in the kennel web page or Facebook. We were looking for a beautiful boy with good health exams, easy movements and excellent character. It was important for us to have a long living dogs pedigree as well. The van't Rijkenspark kennel is known for breeding long living dogs, therefore we've chosen NOCTIMBUL DE NOTRE DAME DES NEIGES (Timi). His father is beautiful interchampion YoYo van't Rijkenspark, who lived amazing 11,7 years; mom is Nevers van't Rijkenspark. From both sides pedigree has some dogs who lived 10 and more years. We expect this combination will bring beautiful and healthy puppies. Noctimbul was born in France and lives in the Netherlands, in the van't Rijkenspark kennel, owned by Bert and Karla Zurhaar. Health exams are good: hips and elbows joints HD-A, ED-0, DM exon1-N/N, exon2-N/N, height 68cm, weight 56kg. When Versace and Nactimbul met for the first time they were very happy and in love - that meant the date was set on time. Big thanks to Karla and Bert for given opportunity to mate with their boy, hospitality and sincere communication.

Noctimbul De Notre Dame Des Neiges
HD-A/A, ED-0/0, OCD nėra
DM exon1- N/N, exon2- N/N
Pre testas SH-B, DNA certificate

Versace Diamond Tai Brizo
HD-A/A, ED-0/0, OCD nėra, 
DM exon1- N/N, exon2- DM/DM
akys sveikos, DNA certificate


Litters 'C' pedigree:

HD-A, ED-0
OCD free, DM exon1,2 - N/N, SH test- B
INT-VDH-FR-Dutch CH; BOB Championnat du France 2011; BOB Bundessieger 2011; R. CAC Worlddog show 2011, BIS French and Dutch clubshow 2013; BIG Dutch Dog of the Year 2013; BOB French clubshow 2014, World Winner Veteran 2018
HD-A,ED-0, OCD-free, DM-N/N, pretest B, 
Sweden  AOD 11,7
MULTI BIS, BISS Aus, Am, Can, Swed and Netherlands
HD A ED 0, DM exon1,2-free
AOD 8.7, Australia
HD-A/C, ED 0,  vWD clear, DM- N/N
AOD 10,11   Netherland
HD- A ED- 0  AOD  8, Australia

HD B, ED 0, DM exon1,2 free
 AOD 9 , Netherland
Crufts W`05`06 (BOB), EuW`05,Ch. INT, NLD, NLD Club W`04`05, POL Club W`04, VDH Ch
HD-A, ED-0, OCD free, AOD 9,1
HD-A/C, ED-0 AOD 9,10  Netherland
 Best Baby reu Nederlandse Clubmatch 2007, Best Baby reu Cacib show Bleiswijk 2007 BOB puppy Cacib show Wijchen 2007 Best in show puppy 3 Cacib show Wijchen 2007 Jugendsieger Dortmund 2008 Beste Jeugdreu Cacib show Utrecht 2008 Beste Jeugdreu Cacib show Bleiswijk 2008 Beste Reu Cacib show Bleiswijk 2008 Beste Jeugdreu Cacib show Kassel (D) 2008
HD-B, ED-0,OCD free, DM- N/DM
 AOD 8.11 Netherland
Dutch  and German VDH champion, Best Junior Dutch Specialty 2006, Reserve male Dutch Specialty 2006 , BIS Rijssen 2007, Veteran Crufts Winner '13, Dutch Vet ch '13, Veteran Winner '13, Veteran Clubwinner 2014
 HD A, ED 0, OCD free,  DM N/DM, SH pre test - A  AOD 11.9  Netherland
HD-B,ED-0, DM-free, AOD 10  Finland
HD-B,ED-0 , AOD 8,11
HD A ED 0/0 OCD free DM- N/DM ,
AOD 6  Sweden
Dutch champion, JW 2009
HD-B, ED-0, DM-free, AOD 7.9  Netherland
HD-A, ED-0
OCD free, eyes clear ,DM exon1 N/N, exon2- DM/DM, DNR profile
HD-A, ED-0
eyes clear, DNR profile
 WORLD CHAMPION 2017, Nord JV-11 Nord V-11 SV V-13 HeW-13 NORD V-13 FIV-13, NORD UCH NO UCH
HD-A,ED-0, OCD-free, DM-N/N, SH test- B, eyes clear,   AOD 7.11  Sweden
HD A ED 0,  AOD 8.5  Sweden
HD A ED 0,
 AOD 10.6  Sweden
EUROPIAN WINER 2014, INTERCHAMPION, LT CLUB CH, LT-LV-EST-BALT-RU JCH, Baltic Winner'2011, LT-LV-EE-BALT-BY-PL CH, 1st place champion class Italian Club Show at WDS 15, 1st place open class CAC Euro dog show'12
HD-A,ED-0,eyes clear,  AOD 5.1, Belgium
HD-A,ED-0,OCD free,  AOD 11   Sweden 
HD-A,ED-0 , Belgium
HD-A,ED-0, OCD free, eyes clear,  
DM exon1-N/N, exon2-N/DM, DNR profile AOD- 6 (accident) 
HD A, ED 0   AOD 7.2    Sweden
HD-A, ED-0 ,   Sweden  AOD 10.10
HD-A, ED-0,   Sweden AOD 9
HD-A, ED-0, eyes clear
DM exon1- N/N, exon2- N/DM,
Pre-test histiocytosis- B
 AOD 7.5 (tumor) Lithuania
PL JCH, PL JClub winner'09,J winner show Slovakia 2009, PL CH
HD- A, ED- 0, DM-N/N, AOD- 11 Italy
HD-A, ED- 0, eyes are clear
DM exon2- N/DM,  AOD 11 Lithuania


Beautiful Netherland. Versace trying to swim in all canals and to catch all ducks, swangs, gooses.






''C'' litter

2022.12.12 was born 6 puppies (3 males and  3 females)





In Lithuania we had a big snow storm for a few days. The streets were full of snow and it paralyzed all transportation. However there are some things which cannot be changed - it is a new life coming to this world. On the 12-12-2022 we welcomed 6 beautiful bernese mountain dogs ( 3 males and 3 females). The magic number 2 makes this litter special. Since puppies were born 12 days before Christmas we named this litter "Christmas" and chose the letter "C" for the names. All puppies were born big and they are feeling well as their mom Versace. Average litters weight is 0,623gr. Big thanks to "Godfather" vet Robert Bartkus and VetaMicus staff for bringing puppies to this world.


                        Versace Diamond Tai Brizo  x Noctimbul De Notre Dame Des Neiges (Prancūzija)
Nr  puppy's name ribbon sex weight notes
1 Cupidon Sweet Kiss Tai Brizo green male 650gr Lithuania
2 Cleopatra My Queen Tai Brizo orange female 580gr America
3 Clayton Stole My Heart Tai Brizo blue male 620gr Sweden
4 Capri South Wind Tai Brizo pink female 640gr America
5 Crete In The Rain Tai Brizo red female 590gr Lithuania
6 Charleston Dancer Tai Brizo purple male 660gr Sweden



The first days of life are most difficult for our pets and us. Versace required lots of attention because the birth wasn't natural. Her orgnism was disbalanced after the operation and it took some time to feel less pain. Versace got medications, vitamins, which are not dangerous for puppies. However another issue followed to which we weren't prepared. Versace didn't have milk for a long time and we had to feed puppies with special milk. Busy delivery period also complicated to get more stock, but finaly we are sipplied with specilal milk and additionally to the mothers milk we continue feeding puppies with it. Slowly our problems are resolving. Although we are very tired and lack of sleep. Puppies are gaining weights and mom is getting stronger and better. Here are our beautiful 6 puppies. Boys got blue, green and purple ribbons, meantime girls got orange, pink and red ribbons.











Puppies are 2 weeks old. Weight puppies is growing. Purple boy and pink girl opened eyes first.







Puppies are 3 weeks old. Mom Versace and puppies got medications from worms. Puppies started eat wet dry food, drink water, milk. They do not need buttles more. Babies are more active, started play with each other. In the box they are for night time only. All day they spend in the rooms with us. We have available puppies.






Passed 4th week. Puppies are growing well. They eat dry food Marp, drinks moms and goat milk. Puppies have teeths already, more play, walk in all rooms. We had first visitors. Red girl is calm and very like to sleep on the arms. We have available puppies for dog show and home.





Puppies are 1 months old. They had first shower and sirious photoshot. All puppies have names already. We are waiting new owners solution about purple and blue boys. For that reason, pictures of these boys are without names.


Purple boy



Blue boy



Cupidon Sweet Kiss Tai Brizo (green boy)



Cleopatra My Queen Tai Brizo (orange girl)



Crete In The Rain Tai Brizo (red girl)




Capri South Wind Tai Brizo (pink girl)






Passed 5 week. Puppies are biger. They still eating wet dry food and drink moms milk. We are waiting better weather and planning go outside.





6st week of life... Puppies were first time outside. Not all puppies were brave, but curiosity won. 






7th week. Puppies are growing every day.






8 weeks, almost two months.Soon puppies will be vaccinated. They are growing every day.  Clayton weight is 7.100kg, Charleston Dancer- 6.300kg, Cupidon- 6.000kg, Cleopatra - 5.750kg, Capri - 5.730 kg, Crete - 5.600kg.


Clayton Stole My Heart Tai Brizo (blue ribbon)- reserved




Charleston Dancer Tai Brizo (purple ribbon)-  reserved



Cupidon Sweet Kiss Tai Brizo (green ribbon)- reserved



Cleopatra My Queen Tai Brizo (orange ribbon) reserved



Crete In The Rain Tai Brizo (red ribbon) reserved



Capri South Wind Tai Brizo (pink ribbon)- reserved







 2 mėnesiai. The puppies are vaccinated and chipped. They got first serious document- pet passport. Now is quarantine time. Clayton Stole My Heart weight - 8.100gr,  Charleston Dancer - 7.300kg, Cupidon Sweet Kiss - 6.790, Capri South Wind -  6.780kg, Cleopatra My Queen - 6.760kg, Crete In The Rain - 6.600kg.















All puppies left home. Cupidon and Crete stay in Lithunia, sisters Cleopatra and Capri went to live in America, brothers Charleston and Clayton live in Sweden. All puppies in new family feel good.



Babies, be happy, satiated in the new family   💜 💛 💜




Copyright © 2010 - 2025 Dienera - Brizo kennel