
Came April. The sun and wind exsiccate our fields. Above head skylark sing songs. Get up ticks already. Without drops from ticks better do not go in the field. Shanel and Hilary are happy to walk in the fields...

Bounty is 15 months already

Our female Bounty Tai Brizo lives in America. At home she has new name Olivia. Girl grows beautifully and is happy with new family. Girl is 15 months already. She will have elbows and hips dysplasia's test soon. I hope she will be ''clear" and owner can use her for the breeding. Thanks Cheryl for the nice Olivias pictures.

Lotus in new home

We got new pictures Rhea Silvia's Tai Brizo from America. Girls is 5,5 months old already. At home she has new  name Lotus. Girl is so happy and spoiled. When Lotus is tired after walk, owner her bring to home on the shoulders. Her best friend is cat and toy car. Toy is not for play only, he is good way for the training also. Thanks Robin for the nice pictures.

Hello spring !

 We are feeling spring's smell. Family decided to meet spring at river Minija. Was beautiful sunny, windy March day. Girls Shanel and Hilary was so happy to see our fishing place. They ate young grass, dug holes, run in the field. Water at river was cold yet, but Hilary decided first time to swim. We all have great time...

Rishiri and Chili new home

Rishiri and Chili are in new home finally. We had long, but nice trip to Switzerland. I am so happy, sisters have wonderful new family and home. Girls will live in Alpes, around are smiling Rigi, Rossberg, Zugerberg mountains. Near is blue like sky Zug lake. In the yard are waterfalls, pasture horses, lamas. Girls have new friends bernese mountain boy Lucky and chocolate labradors. Thanks Karin for your friendship, hospitable home. Big thanks to your friend Beatrice, who all time was our "google". I hope will see you soon again...

8th Birthday

''S'' litter's dogs and my love Shanel, Happy 8th Birthday! You are veterans already. From this litters we have a few alive dogs only. Sad, that their life is short. I wish you to all long, healthy life. Owners enjoy all moments, days, minutes with your dogs.

Beautiful winter day

All night we had show storm. In the morning snow stoped. All fields, trees were white. Me with Shanel, Hilary and Olga with Pandora and Briga went to the fields. We had great day... Dogs were happy

We enjoy winter

 In our town winter is guest only, so fast snow melts. We enjoy every winter's day...

Came winter

In our town came winter finally. Dogs are crazy when outsde is many snow, cold. With granddaughter Austeja and dogs Shanel, Hilary, Blueberry we had great time in nature.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017

Dear my friends, families, who have my puppies Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017!!! 

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