Shanel's puppies are 2 weeks old

Shanel's puppies are 2 weeks old. All puppies opened the eyes, they have so good apettite and growing good. More info about litter "M" read in page  "We have puppies"


Hamilton Star Tai Brizo became a handsome bear

 We got a few new photos form Finland. Our boy from "H" litter Hamilton Star Tai Brizo became a beautuful bear. He is a father already. First him litter , 14 puppies, was born in Finland. Thanks Anne Maninen for the nice photos and good care for the boy.

Pass so difficult week...

Pass so difficult first week. The puppies eating good, mom feeling normal. More info about litter "M" read in page "We have puppies"

We have a new litter...

 February 25 in kennel was born a new bernese mountain dogs litter. The names of puppies will begin from letter " M". Father Algrand Berni Vashington, mom Shanel Cesar Brizo. Mom and puppies feeling good. About litter more info in page "WE HAVE PUPPIES"


Finally we found Shelton...

I am very excited today! I think this is a present from God for my upcoming birthday… Long time I didn’t know anything about my puppy Shelton from the litter “S”. There was a rumor that he was sold to other people but no guarantees. Just by accident and facebook help I found my “moss”. I was calling him like this the first two monhs while he was living with me, because on his neck he had a moss colour string. The rumor was true. Shelton is already living in a new wonderful family for 2,5 years in the Jonava region with 4 guys and one women Giedrė. Since dog’s life has been changed he received the new name Hundas. He is very loved and cared. Shelton (Hundas) grew up very handsom. He took amazing long hair from his father Cesar Surprises Kensen and grandfather Kenny z Gemerskej Palomy. His muzzle is with a wonderful smile like his mother Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė had. The boy is very affectionate, demanding the attention and love. One of his exclusive characteristic is to bite owner’s clothes and to follow him. Gabana was acting like this as well, she just liked to bite my hand and l lead after herself. How excited and happy to know that my puppy is loved, healthy and needful for this family. We love you Shelton- Hundas! We wait for you to come to visit us in your native home. I hope you will recognise my voice, visited places and the smell of the Baltic sea…

Shanel is waiting puppies...

We have a wonderful new !!! On the Christmas holiday was mating one from our girl Shanel Cesar Brizo. Today we can proudly announce that Shanel’s belly is getting bigger and she is expecting puppies! More info about this litter, her parents , puppies pedigree you can finde in the page "planned litter"


Shanel liked birdhday cake

For Shanel's birthday was cooked cake. On the cake was beautiful big numeber 5, I did it from red beet. To eat this cake helped Shanel's daughter Hilary.

Shanel celebrating her 5th Birthday

It seems like yesterday on the cold January 30th Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė gave a birth for 12 wonderful puppies. Today “S” litter’s puppies are celebrating their 5th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We wish you all to be healthy, to reach high achievements in the exhibitions and long happy life. My lovely Shanel, thank you that you are a part of my life, for your endless love, obedience, wonderful moments spent together and for the puppies you gave. Love you so much! Happy birthday my princess!


Shanel's "D" litter's puppies celebrating 1st Birthday

Today Shanel's "D" litter's puppies celebrating 1st Birthday. Happy 1st Birthday Dante, Maggie, Shiloh, Demure, Baxter, Bentley, Mishka, Bacardi !!! Be all happy and healthy. Thanks owners for good care and love to my tricolors bears...

"D" berno zenenhundų vadai vieneri metai


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