The second brothers dog show

Clayton ir Charlieston were second time in the ring. Dogshow was 2023-05-06 in Bjuv Inoff, Sweeden, judge Lotta Carping. Both brothers got exccelent desciprion. Charleston Dancer Tai Brizo got Very Promising 1, Clayton Stole My Heart Tai Brizo - Very Promising 2. Big congratulations to owner!


First brothers dog show



2023-04-29 Hassle Inoff in Sweden, brothers Charleston Dnacer Tai Brizo and Clayton Stole My Heart Tai Brizo were at first dog show. For judge Anette Hellner was dificult to choose who from brothers are the best. Both boys got good critic, were brave, nice stood and run in the ring. Brothers  ARE VERY PROMISING and first place got Charleston Dancer Tai Brizo. Clayton today was second. Congratulations to owners Tina and Claes Andersson. Thank you for all trainings, grooming and excellent hendling. 


2023 !


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!!!




We have puppies

2022.12.12 was born 6 puppies (3 boys and 3 girls). Mom Versace Diamond Tai Brizo, father is from Netherland Noctimbul De Notre Dame Des Neiges.Mom and puppies feel good. More info about litter 'C' read in page ''We have puppies''




we wait puppies

We have very good new. Our Versace Diamond Tai Brizo will be a mom soon. We are waiting puppies in the midle of December. Father is from Netherland Noctimbul De Notre Dame Des Neiges. 




Goodbye autumn


We said goobye for autumn. Versace is waiting winter, snow...








Summer. For bernese mountain dog is not comfortable season, because is too hot. In the field we feel bread smell.



Versace is healthy

Versace is 18 months old and we did all healthy test for her. We are so happy. Versace is free from displasia and OCD. Genetic DM exon1- N/N, ED-N/DM, eyes are clear. Female has DNR profile.


everywhere together


About our plans we talk quietly, because Versace understand everything. If she hears word ''fishing'', ''walk'', ''eat'' start to barking, run, jump...Berenes are so smart dogs. 






Beautiful May

Came beautiful May. Camera is in my heands every day. My model is Versace Diamond Tai Brizo








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