Gabana and Shanel are the best nannies...


For my grandaughter Austeja already 10 months old. A babygirl growing together with us and our dogs Gabana and Shanel. Maybe for this reason her first word was "vava",what in her language means a "dog". Austėja is  extremely happy when sees the dogs, she is trying to catch them with her hands, to stroke them and to stand up holding in their fur. Gabana and Shanel with love and mother's instinct, very carefuly lick Austėja and "check" the pampers. I thin in the future dogs will be the best friends of my grandaughter. A big probability that after some years Austėja will appear in the dog show ...

Our grandaughter's Takeshi first exhabition ...

  Our granddaughter Takeshi Perkūno Sargas in her first dog show Plunge (Lithuania)- very promising 1 ,Best puppy!!!

Our "feather" now is a big nice boy...

Shardonnet Cesar was born with small white spot on the neck, so we called him "feather". Now this our baby weighs 55kg, live in Vilnius kennel  "Rojaus Bernas".Thank you Jovita and Erikas for new Shardo photo.  



Here it comes the Easter!

Here it comes the Easter! Days are more longer and it becomes more warmer autside. The snow has melted, there appeared the first coltsfoots and storks have back home. Shanel is hurry up to swim in all swamps she can find.Gabana tries to reach moles under the ground. Joy and happiness to everyone...

Slovenian Club Speciality Dog Show " EURO BERNER 2010"

 2010.09.29 was Slovenian Club Speciality Dog-Show for Berner Sennenhunds "EURO BERNER 2010".Judge for male was Michael Forte (IRL) in intermediate class our son Shardonnet Cesar Brizo got  '' EXCELLENT". Congratulations to Jovita and Erikas and  many kisses for all you !!!!

Spring to the see

Mama Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė with son Sheridan Cesar and daughter Shanel Cesar visited the see...





The Skaiva Jasevičiūtė wishes to Tosca ..

  TV and radio reporter Skaiva Jasevičiūtė wish Toska Perkūno Sargas to finde a loving family as soon as it is possible.Thank you, Skaiva .

Hello Spring!

Finally is the March outside. Is still cool, but littel by little the snow is melting, the Sun ir more and more warming us. As never the snow is so delicious and refreshing. We have already taken medicines from tick's bite. Dogs are feeling the upcoming changes in the nature. Shanel and Gabana with a huge pleasure are chasing deers and rabbits in the fields...

The February's chill...

Althought the calendar winetr is going to the end, but it's still freezing outside. Baltic see's cost is still under the ice, sand has returned into ice arena. Games on the shore , active rest didn't let me and my dogs  Gabana and Shanel to freeze...

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