Kennel Tai Brizo wish you all a Happy New Year 2022 !!!
We finished 14 days of Beri's search. Thank you for who weren't afraid of bad weather and came to help searching her. The territory was searched several times and today totally by accident among the bunches we found an abandoned open 3 meters depth well full of water. It wouldn't be posssible to get out alone for human nor animal. Here we found drowned Beri...
Thank you to everyone who shared the announcment, for being close every day, for your calls and actions for searching my girl. Without your help she wouldn't be found today either. THANKS to Tatjana, Povilas Mažeikis, Edita Ubartienė, Žydrūnas Ubartas, Edita Mileriene, Dovile Urbonienė, Linas Urbonas, Laima Bajarova, Loreta Uktvere, Gabrielė Ibnerė and her husband, two more women which I don't remember the names, but I will definitely remember and write them, Alva Survilienė and Robertas Survilas, Loreta Jurkuvienė, Natalija Simute, Ilona Urbutiene,Lina Jokubaitienė and Edgaras Jokubaitis, Vaidas Stancikas, Lina Siakeryc, Катя, Aleksandr Устимчук, Anzelika Lechner, Monika Benetienė, Tadas Galdikas, Gintare Alošiute, Laura Novila
Thank you for helping me bury her today...
My Beriuk, wish you wide hunting areas in the rainbow land. I feel guilty... I found you where we've never walked together. You were rushing to me but didn't reach me. We can't run from the cruel destiny.
My heart is broken, the sky is crying together with me... and I still had hope you were alive.
Versace Diamond Tai Brizo in Kaunas 2021.10.16 at dog show ''Akademijos Taurė'2021. in Junior class got Very Good, judge Dainora Sudeikienė