Gabana in CACIB Palanga
  2007.07.03/04 was internacional dog show in Palanga, judge A.Garach, E.Kapliauskas. Gabana Bohemijos Zibute-V. Promising1, Best puppy, second day- V. Promising
Gabana  ir Dalia Klaipėdos parodoje
Gabana ir jos šeimininkė Gabana  prie ringo
Gabana in the training school

After, when Gabana run from dog show ring, we decided go to the training lessons. We found very good school in Ketvergiai, teacher A.Popov.  After a few lessons we cud see good results already. 

dresūros pamokoje    

Dresūros mokykloje

Andrina su berno zenenhundais
Dog show ''Rusnės vasara" 2017
 Two days 2007.07.01/02 was dog show in Šilute "Rusnės vasara", judge A.Stepinski, and ''Silutes Taure'',judge J.Opara. Gabana was o brave in the ring. She decided that she can to do in the ring what she want. She run from the ring  and go to walk near River. Judge was waiting us, we return to the ring and got Very Promising 1, Best puppy. Second day we got-V.Promising2
We got gratitude from kennel Alpiu Slėnis

From Kennel Alpiu Slenis run puppy shih-tzu Iriska. We with Gabana helped to fo finde her and we found. For the help we got so many gift ...

Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė apdovanojimas Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė ir jos dovanos

Gabana in dog show Plunge
2007.05.27 Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė was in the XIsertificate dog show Plunge , judge L.Vaitkevičienė. We metfirst time here mom Simba and sister Gulbe. From 4 puppies Gabana gor Very Promising 1, Best puppy
Gabana at Minijos river

Beautiful day of the spring we took Gabana to fishing. She was happy to be with us, go to swim. We spend in nature all day. Gabana was so dirthy, tired but so happy.
berno zenenhuno šuniukas pavargo

murzina Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė berno zenenhundo suniukas  Gabana matuoja upes gylį
berno zenenhundas  pavargo  berno zenehundas Gabana prie Minijos
Gabana's first trip

We went to my brothers birthday together with puppy Gabana.  This trip was so good for socialization puppy. I am so proud and happy. Gabana like to travel with car, is so brave puppy, do not afrid nothing, likes a new people, children...

berno zenenhundas Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė Gabana Bohemijos Zibute mielai pozuoja
First Easters with Gabana

After Easter's dinner we went with Gabana to walk in the forest.  Weather was nice. We had all a great time

mažylė Gabana Bohemijos Žibutė su Dalia Gabanele bezdžionėlė


Gabana met new friends

Gabana is 3 months old. She got the last vacination. We can play and go to walk in the fields with other dogs now. First meeting was with puppy Marko, who are almost the same age. Puppies had a great time...

berno zenenhundas Gabanėlė Gabana bohemijos Žibute- berno zenenhundas
berno zenenhundų šuniukai  
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