''P''litters puppies, HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY! Mom Shanel send you hugs and many kisess.
2019.05.19 was dog show in Angelholme, Sweden. Were 98 bernese mountain dogs. In junior class were 14 females. Givenchy Tai Brizo got EXCELLENT and very nice critic from judge Pernilla Sandström. Congratulations to owner, hendler Medelena Friberg.
May this year is cool. Dogs like this weather. Shanel is 10 year, but she feel strong yet. Today from forest, she come back with deer's hornes.
2019.05.10 was Nordic Dog show Roskilde, Sweden, judge Andras Korozs, Hungary. Our girl Givenchy Tai Brizo aka Kiwi was in junior class. First day from 8 females, she got Excellent with very good critique. Next day she got Very Good. Thank you to owner and hendler Madelene Fiberg for the good job and good luck in the future.
''G'' litters celebrate 1st Birthday... My beauties, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love and miss you so much. Be all happy.
Pictures, memories and pain stayed only...
April. Shanel, Hilary, Blueberry had great time at Baltic sea. Water was cold yet, 10C only, but all dogs swam.
Spring came finally. Dogs are so happy. They miss green fields, warm days.
This year winter is very strange. One day we have snow storm, cold, next day rain and all snow is gone again. With dogs we try to cath beautiful winters moments. They are happy to see and play in the snow...
''S'' litters puppies are celebrating 10th Anniversary. From 12 puppies are alive Shanel Cesar Brizo and brother Shantrell (Barnis) only. Both are healthy, strong and feel good. Shanel, Shantrell, Happy10th anniversary!!! Wish you health and nice, happy days with us many many years...